- a cold
- a floor cold
- a run cold
- abdomen discomfort
- abdominal colics
- abrupt rage
- abscesses
- absent-mindedness
- acne
- adaptability
- addiction inclination
- adenitis
- adenoids enlargement
- adhesion
- adipositas
- adult become
- adult will be able to do
- affliction
- after burning
- after eczema
- after itch
- after tears
- after-pains
- age heart
- age itch
- age treacly bondage
- aggressiveness
- allergies
- almond abscess
- almond enlargement
- almond swell
- amalgam poisoning
- amyloidosis
- an assembly-line cold
- anaemia
- anal eczema
- anal f sharp suras
- anchylosis
- angina
- angina abdominalis
- angina pectoris
- annoyance
- anorexia
- ant running
- anti aging
- anxieties about the future
- apoplex
- arrogance
- arteriosclerosis
- arthritis
- arthritis psoriatica
- arthrosis
- assembly-line cold
- assurance
- asthma
- athlete's foot
- atrophy of the bronchi
- attention
- auditory canal boil
- auditory canal inflammation
- auditory canal inflammations
- auricle eczema
- auricle inflammation
- authenticity
- avarice
- aversion
- back pains
- backache
- bad breath
- bad healing wounds
- bad pap values
- bad teeth
- badly curative wounds
- badly healing wounds
- bald head
- barley corn
- bed-wetting
- being missing period
- big toe skew state
- bilious buildup
- bilious colic
- bilious semolina
- bilious way inflammation
- bilious weakness
- birth
- blackhead
- bladder stones
- bleeding
- blockage
- blocking
- blood circulation disturbances
- blood coagulation
- blood fullness
- blood loss
- blood poisoning
- blood ulcer
- blood vessel enlargement
- blue spots
- boil
- boils
- bran lichen
- bran mushroom
- breakdown
- breast inflammation
- breast knot
- breast swell
- breast-feeding
- breathlessness
- bright period
- bronchial asthma
- bronchitis
- brooding
- broom pilgrims
- bruises
- bubble cramps
- bubble lowering
- bubble pains
- bubble semolina
- bubble weakness
- buildup gastritis
- buildup liver
- bulimia
- bulkheading
- burn out
- burning with the wasserlassen
- burning with wasserlassen
- bursitis
- calluses
- capillary bleeding
- capillary tension
- cardiac insufficiency
- carelessness
- caries
- cartilage construction
- cartilage inflammation
- cat
- cat's misery
- catapult trauma
- cataract
- catarrhs
- cellulite
- cerumen obturans
- cervical folds
- cervical pains
- cervical tickle
- change year discomfort
- chapped lips
- cheek redness
- chilblains
- childlessness
- cholesteatom
- cholesterol mirror lowering
- chronic appendicitis
- chronic bronchitis
- chronic bronchitis clarity
- chronic ear inflammation
- chronic hepatitis
- chronic kidney infection
- chronic palatal tonsillitis
- chronic tonsillitis
- circulatory failure
- circulatory weakness
- cirrhosis of the liver
- clarity
- claustrophobia
- cluster-head pain
- coating of the tongue
- cold
- cold delicacy
- cold feet
- cold hands
- coldness
- colics
- collapse
- commotio
- compulsions
- concentration ability
- concentration lack
- concentration weakness
- concussion
- confusion
- conjunctivitis
- connective tissue weakness
- constant urge to pass water
- constipation
- construction means
- contradiction mind
- convalescence
- convulsions
- convulsive cough
- cooker inflammations
- cooker-conditioned rheumatismus
- copd
- cornea
- corneal inflammation
- corns
- cough
- coupe rose
- courage
- cracked skin
- cradle cap
- cramps
- cramps in the calf
- cranial brain trauma
- creativity
- creeps
- crisis mood
- croup
- crow's-feet
- cycle variations
- cyst
- cystitis
- damaged discs
- dandruff
- daze
- deafness
- deafness feeling
- deafness prickle
- decision-making power
- decisive weakness
- decontamination
- defensive weakness
- dejection
- demarcation
- dental cookers
- dental crunching
- dental failure
- dental glaze strengthening
- dependence
- depositions sour with urine
- depressions
- depressive disgruntlement
- dermatitis
- desperation
- despondence
- despotism
- developing delay
- diabetes
- diabetic foot
- diaper rash
- diaphragm break
- diarrhoe
- diarrhoeia
- difficulty in swallowing
- digestive discomfort
- digestive weakness
- dignity
- dilation of the stomach
- disappointment
- discord
- discretion
- disinterest
- dislocation
- dismantling from poisons
- dismantling of poisons
- disturbances of equilibrium
- diver's ear
- dizziness
- dogmatism
- dry eye
- dry mucous membranes
- dry nasal mucous membrane
- dry skin
- dull hair
- dullness
- dumpling in neck
- dumpling in the neck
- duodenal inflammation
- duodenal ulcer
- dyspepsia
- ear cartilage inflammation
- ear eczema
- ear outflow
- ear running
- ear whizz
- earache
- eardrum inflammation
- earwax
- earwax stopper
- eating addiction
- eating disturbance
- eczemas
- edemas
- efficiency
- egg white allergy
- emaciation
- embolism
- emphysema
- enlarged almonds
- enlargement of the prostate
- enteritis
- enthusiasm ability
- epilepsy
- episiotomy
- esteem
- estrogen dominance
- estrogen lack
- excessive demand
- excessive sweat education
- excessive sweating
- excitability
- excitement
- excoriations
- exhausted being
- exhaustion
- eye muscle paralysis
- eyelid edge inflammation
- eyelid inflammation
- fabric construction
- fabric decrease
- fabric rationalisation
- facial cramps
- facial paralyses
- facial paralysis
- facial rose
- facial scales
- failure
- faint feeling
- fanaticism
- fat heart
- fat hunger
- fat liver
- fat metabolism disturbance
- fat skin
- fatigue syndrome
- fear
- fear attacks
- fear of flying
- fears
- feeling of sickness
- feeling variations
- fever
- fever cramps
- fibromyalgie
- first aid
- flat feet
- flatulence
- flexibility
- floppy belly
- floppy fabric
- fluctuating way
- focal events
- folds
- foot joint pains
- forehead bald head
- forehead cave inflammation
- forehead folds
- forgetfulness
- forgiving
- fracture
- fractured leg
- fragile fingernails
- fragile hair
- freezing
- friendliness
- frost susceptibility
- frostbite
- frostbites
- funnel breast
- furnace mouth
- furnace mouth pains
- fury
- gall bladder inflammation
- gallstones
- ganglion
- gastric acid lack
- gastritis
- gentleness
- getting bedsores
- glaucoma
- globe syndrome
- goiter
- good-natured tumour
- grammatical error
- grammatical errors
- grazes
- grey hair
- grief
- grimness
- ground
- growth
- growth delay
- growth disturbances
- growth pains
- gullibility
- gulp pains
- gums inflammation
- haemorrhoids
- hailstone
- hair scales
- hair-split
- hand shivering
- hardening
- harmony
- hatred
- hay fever
- head eczema
- head scales
- headache
- headaches
- heart fear
- heart goodness
- heart lawn
- heart lawns
- heart narrowness
- heart rhythm disturbances
- heart weakness
- heartburn
- heat ebullitions
- heat pimple
- heat problems
- heat rash
- heatstroke
- heavy limbs
- heavy metal poisoning
- heel pain
- heel spur
- heel spurs
- helplessness
- hepatitis
- hermit
- hermit's existence
- herpes
- herpes zoster
- hiccups
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol values
- high forehead
- hip damages
- hoarseness
- homesickness
- hopelessness
- hormonal dysregulation
- horn-rimmed calluses
- hump
- hunger for air
- hurt
- hypertension
- hyperurikaemie
- hypochondria
- illness feeling
- imbalance
- immune system strengthening
- immune system strengthening incomplete bubble emptying
- immunodeficiency
- impatience
- impulse weakness
- inclination to caries
- inclination to osseous breaks
- incomplete bubble emptying
- incontinence
- indecision
- indifference
- induration of the tissue
- inertia
- infections
- infectious mononucleosis
- inferiority complex
- infertility
- inflammation of the bones
- inflammation of the ear
- inflammation of the ovaries
- inflammations
- influenza
- ingrown toenails
- inguinal hernia
- initiative
- injured being
- inner ear-treacly bondage
- insect bites
- insecurity
- instability
- intemperance
- intestinal cramps
- intestinal exit-fisteln
- intestinal haemorrhages
- intestinal mucous membrane inflammation
- intestinal mushrooms
- intestinal polyp
- intestinal relaxation
- iron lack
- irregular menstruation
- irregular period
- irritability
- irritant bowel
- irritant bubble
- irritant colon
- irritant cough
- irritant flood
- irritant management disturbance
- irritant stomach
- isolation
- itch
- itching
- itchy nasal point
- itchy soles
- kidney infection
- kidney infection (chronically)
- kidney stones
- knee damages
- knee inflammations
- knee joint inflammation
- knee pains
- knee swells
- knocking pains
- labour pains relief
- lack of exercise
- lacking milk education
- large intestine inflammation
- laryngitis
- lead poisoning
- leanness
- learning listlessness
- learning zeal
- leukaemia
- lichens
- light burns
- light combustion
- limb prickle
- lip herpes
- lip tears
- lip vesicle
- listlessness
- little blood sponge
- liver swell
- liver weakness
- load incontinence
- loading capacity
- loneliness
- loss of appetite
- loss of hair
- loss of strength
- loss of weight
- lovesickness
- low blood pressure
- lower leg ulcer
- lumbago
- lung weakness
- lymphatic knot cancer
- lymphatic knot swells
- lymphatic knot-fistel
- lymphatic swelling of the glands
- lymphatic vessel inflammation
- main entrances hypertension
- maturity
- medium ear inflammation
- megalomania
- melancholy
- memories
- memory
- meniscus weakness
- menstrual discomfort
- mental blockade
- mental disturbance
- mercury poisoning
- metabolism weakness
- middle ear-vereiterung
- migraine
- migraine feeling of sickness
- migraine-visual disturbances
- milk allergy
- milk scurf
- milk traffic jam
- mind work
- miscarriage aftercare
- miscarriage prevention
- mood variations
- moodiness
- morbus bechterew
- morbus meniere
- morning muzzles
- mosquito bites
- motivation
- mucous membrane atrophy
- mucous membrane inflammation
- mucous membrane inflammations
- mucous membrane mushrooms
- mucus bag inflammation
- multiple sclerosis
- mumps
- muscle convulsions
- muscle pains
- muscle paralysis
- muscle pulling
- muscle rheumatism
- muscle shivering
- muscle strain
- muscle weakness
- muscular atrophy
- muscular strain
- mycosis
- mykosis
- myringitis
- nail mushroom
- nail mykosis
- nappy dermatitis
- nasal barks
- nasal bogeys
- nasal crusts
- nasal polyp
- nasal polyps
- nasal redness
- nasal running
- navel colic
- necrosis
- nephritic buildup
- nephritic headaches
- nephritic pains
- nephritic sand
- nephritic semolina
- nephritic weakness
- nervous conductivity
- nervous cramps
- nervous heart problems
- nervous heart trouble
- nervous inflammation
- nervous reassurance
- nervousness
- nettle rash
- neuralgias
- neurasthenia
- neuritis
- neurodermitis
- new gormandising
- night sweat
- night urge to pass water
- night waking
- nightmares
- nipple tears
- no legends
- no legends are able
- no legends can
- noise delicacy
- norovirus infection
- nosebleed
- obesity
- ocular fluttering
- ocular inflammation
- ocular pains
- ocular shivering
- odour delicacy
- offended being
- onychitis
- open pus
- openness
- operation preparation
- opposition strength
- oppression
- oral decay
- oral mucosa inflammation
- oral mucosa ulcer
- oral ulcer
- orange skin
- ordinal sense
- osseous break
- osseous deformation
- osseous growth
- osseous illnesses
- osseous inflammations
- osseous pains
- osteoporosis
- otitis
- outbursts of rage
- outflow
- ovarian abscess
- ovarian cysts
- over-acid conditions
- overweight
- own responsibility
- oxygen starvation
- pain
- pain delicacy
- pained being
- pains
- pale face
- pale lips
- paleness
- palpitation
- pancreas weakness
- pancreatic inflammation
- pancreatic weakness
- panic attacks
- paralyses
- passiveness
- pearl growth
- peptic ulcer
- perceptive facility
- perineal tear
- period cramps
- period pains
- periodontosis
- periostitis
- permanent stress
- perseverance
- pessimism
- phantom pain
- pharyngitis
- pharynx inflammation
- pharynx ulcer
- phlebitis
- phlebitises
- phobias
- photosensitivity
- pigmentation marks
- pimple
- pimples
- pine barrier
- pine cave inflammation
- pine joint blockade
- pleurisy
- pms
- pneumonia
- poison material dismantling
- polio-late results
- polyarthritis
- polyp
- popularity
- position damages
- position weakness
- positive approach to life
- powers of self-assertion
- pregnancy feeling of sickness
- pregnancy headaches
- pregnancy preparation
- pregnancy stripe
- pregnancy vomiting
- pregnant shaft accompanying
- pressure of time
- pressure ulcer
- privy councillor corners
- problem coping
- progesterone lack
- prolapsed uterus
- prostate gland abscess
- prostate gland adenoma
- prostate gland discomfort
- prostate gland hypertrophy
- pseudo croup
- psoriasis
- puberty problems
- puffy face
- pullings
- pus
- putrefaction
- pyelitis
- radiation
- rage
- raised blood lipid concentration
- raised cholesterol values
- rank growth
- rash
- ravenous hunger
- ravenous hunger after sweets
- ravenous hunger on salty
- realisation
- reasoning power
- reassurance
- red nose
- reddened inflammations
- refreshment
- regeneration
- relaxation
- reliability
- removal gastritis
- renal colic
- reserve
- responsibility
- rest need
- restless legs
- restlessness
- restraint
- rheumatic pains
- rheumatism
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rhinitis
- ringworm
- road holding
- root abscess
- rotary dizziness
- rough skin
- round back
- round backs
- run cold
- run nose
- sacrificial position
- sagging breasts
- salivary adenitis
- salivary stone
- salivation
- salmonellen infection
- scab
- scale lichen
- scales
- scar care
- scar fabrics
- scar itch
- scar tissue
- scar treatment
- scarf management treacly bondage
- school headaches
- sciatica
- sea illness
- security
- self-assessment
- self-awareness
- self-confidence
- self-criticism
- self-knowledge
- self-pity
- self-restraint
- self-sufficiency
- selfassertion
- selfhatred
- selfreproaches
- sensitive gums
- sensitive necks of a tooth
- sensitive skin
- sensitive to pain hair
- sensitive to pain skin
- sensitive to pain teeth
- sensitivity
- sensory search
- sentimentalism
- seriousness
- shinbone pains
- shingles
- shivering
- shock
- shop-window illness
- shoulder rheumatism
- shoulder spannings
- shrinking of the gums
- shyness
- sign gland problems
- sign gland weakness
- signs of old age
- sinusitis
- skew feet
- skin atrophy
- skin care
- skin fold inflammation
- skin illnesses
- skin impurities
- skin mushroom
- skin outgrowths
- skin pus
- skin rank growth
- skin rash
- skin rashes
- skin rationalisation
- skin scales
- skin semolina
- skin tears
- skoliose
- sleeping arms and legs
- sleeping disturbances
- sleeping feet
- sleeping hands
- sleeplessness
- sleepwalking
- slipped disk
- slope eyelid
- sluggishness
- small boat belly
- small intestine inflammation
- smallpox vaccination aftercare
- smoke weaning
- sneeze
- solar allergy
- solar delicacy
- sore being
- sore throat
- sour burp
- sour with urine depositions
- sovereignty
- spa tables kontraktur
- spannings
- speech learn
- spinal problems
- spiritual fresh
- spiritual freshness
- spiritual mobility
- spleen enlargement
- sprains
- spring cure
- spring tiredness
- stability
- stage-fright
- staying power
- steadiness
- stiff neck
- stiff sense
- stomach bleeding
- stomach bowel inflammation
- stomach bowel influenza
- stomach burning
- stomach colic
- stomach cramps
- stomach mucous membrane inflammation
- stomach trouble
- stone suffering
- strabismus
- stress
- stretch marks
- stroke
- strong period bleeding
- stunted growth
- stuttering
- subtlety
- sugar metabolism
- sugar metabolisms
- sullenness
- sunburn
- sunstroke
- superficiality
- suppurating skin rash
- surfeit
- surfer's ear
- sweat feet
- sweat hands
- sweat outbreaks
- sweating
- swelling of the glands
- swells
- swollen feet
- swollen hands
- swollen knee
- swollen lymphatic glands
- symptoms of paralysis
- tachycardia
- taciturnity
- talkativeness
- tape pulling
- tape weakness
- tear river
- telangiectasias
- temple head pain
- tendon dissolution inflammation
- tendon pulling
- tendovaginitis
- tennis elbow
- tenosynovitis
- tension
- tension headaches
- thin skin
- thirst
- thirst lack
- thorn warts
- thorn washbasin
- thoughtfulness
- thrombosis
- thrombosis inclination
- thyroid weakness
- tickle cough
- time conversion
- tiredness
- tiredness syndrome
- to age spots
- to ankle cracks
- to birthmarks
- to joint cracks
- to wines
- toe deafness
- toe prickle
- tongue burning
- tongue burnings
- tongue vesicle
- tonsillitis
- too strong menstrual bleeding
- toothaches
- top foot
- torn muscle
- toughness
- traumatic arthritis
- travel fever
- travel sickness
- treacly bondage
- treacly metal poisoning
- trigeminal neuralgia
- trustworthiness
- tube catarrh
- tumour
- ulcers
- umbilical hernia
- unfriendliness
- unhappy being
- unpredictability
- unstable joints
- upper abdomen pains
- uric acid profit
- urinary burning
- urinary calculus
- urinary incontinence
- urinary leader's inflammation
- vaccination results
- varicose veins
- vascular relaxation
- vein buildup
- vein enlargement
- vein relaxation
- vein weakness
- vesicles
- vigour
- visual disturbances
- visual weakness
- vitality
- vomiting
- vulnerability
- warmth
- warts
- watchfulness
- water belly
- water storages
- watering eyes
- way insecurity
- weak joints
- weak memory
- weak nerves
- weak tapes
- weakness
- weakness states
- weaning
- weariness
- whispering
- white river
- whooping cough
- will strength
- will weakness
- wines
- winking
- womb back-formation after the birth
- womb inflammation
- womb lowering
- work-shy
- working joy
- worms
- worries
- wounds
- wrinkles
- writing cramp
- wrong eating habit