No. 27. (27) Potassium dichromate - Kali Dichrom

Short information
Name of the cell salt Potassium dichromate
Classic name Kali Dichrom
European number 27
American number 27
Material Orange crystal powder
Standard potency 12X
Part of the body liver
Use as cell salts metabolism, blood vessels
Main uses


The additional cell salts (No. 13 to 24) can't be found everywhere. In some countries (i.e. USA) there are only few vendors who offer them.

Internal uses
External uses
Facial diagnosis


Schuessler cell salts can't substitute the doctor. Call a doctor if you are seriously ill.

Severe illnesses may not be treated only with cell salts. Cell salts can only be used as an additional treatment.

Ask your doctor wether it is ok to use cell salts for your personal health problem.

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